Mirza Asadullah Khan (Ghalib)-27-12-1797(Agra) To 15-02-1869 (Delhi)
Alas that the heavens made their finger the food of teeth,
Those people whose finger was worthy of a string of pearls.
(In the grave tiny little worms are eating those fingers that used to be encircled by pearl rings.)
(The possessors of accomplishment lead lives of poverty and vain longing,not peace and rest.)
At the time of departure,to keep memory alive,instead of a ring,she showed me an finger,and this became to me,more than the mark of a ring,
I will remember this token of her,that she did not give me a ring as a token.
(At the time of departure,on being asked for a ring as a token,the beloved showed her thumb in mockery.He says that I will never forget this coquetry of mischievousness.)
(Whenever you see an empty finger you will remember me.)
Oh "Asad",I write such delicate and pure verses that in my poetry opponents can not even point out a flaw.
(Because of the burning of the heart,my poetry is so hot,That nobody can even put a finger on it.)